Wer bin ich und was tue ich

Who am I and what do I do?

My name is Carole Colling, I was born in Luxembourg and I will turn 40 in 2023.

I have been riding since I was 8 years old and since then I have asked myself many questions about horses and even more about their owners.

For example, I have never understood why horse owners prefer to obey their stablemates rather than acquire knowledge themselves.

However, since every horse is unique, this is of great importance, unless you are not interested in the health of your horse.

My horse journey began when I had the chance to ride many different horses very early in my life.

Character, anatomy and the way you understand/learn are very different for every horse. I quickly realized that every horse required its own knowledge. In the riding lessons I took at the time, I had the feeling that the trainers had a certain "knowledge about horses", but it was not applied individually to the different horses. Everyone rode the same program.

When I was 13, I knew there was no way around becoming an osteopath and physiotherapist. Why? Because unlike vets, they treat problems before they lead to major health problems and that was exactly what I thought back then and is my goal today.

My journey began with a completed sports degree with a focus on horse riding, where I obtained my C and B trainer licenses.

This was followed by osteopathy, physiotherapy and acupuncture training, as well as saddle training.

After 13 years of training, I took the step into self-employment. I have been giving riding lessons and offering training for 25 years now. My passion is to give horse owners an eye and feeling for keeping their horses healthy.

Since everything in horse training is logically structured based on the anatomy and biomechanics of each individual horse, I do not teach according to one method, but always differentiated according to the strengths and weaknesses of the horse's anatomy and the rider's goals.

Through my holistic approach as an osteopath, physiotherapist and saddler, my lessons and riding are based on maintaining the health of the horses.

Health brings success, which many people forget over time. It is not success that health brings, it is the knowledge you have acquired specifically for your horse and the constant learning.

My training is tailored to the individual understanding and level of each horse-rider team and is not written in any book.

In my osteo/physio treatments, I prefer to act as a coach/mentor if the horse owner allows it. After analyzing the current situation, I give you a guide so that your horse's health is firmly in your hands.

Only you can control it with your individual knowledge for your horse. As a saddle expert, I try, if requested, to address rideability problems during the test ride, which do not always originate from the saddle, as is often thought.

The anatomy of the horse determines the more or less good position of the saddle on the horse's back.

So to answer the question “who am I and what do I do” I will give you my answer here:

  • Carole Colling, 40 years young
  • osteopath, physiotherapist and saddle expert
  • I offer cross-method riding lessons and training with a holistic approach. This is based on the health of the horses, which in turn brings success.
  • I offer you individual knowledge for your horse, as each horse is unique, so that you are no longer dependent on the “ fake ” knowledge of your stable colleagues
  • I offer you coaching/mentoring in which I accompany you and your horse, be it through lessons, treatments and/or as a saddle expert
  • I will explain to you your “unique” horse and why your horse learns differently than the one in the box
  • I explain to you that YOU play a big role in the change in your horse because you are the trigger for it.
  • I will explain to you why you have to stop looking for excuses like “he is too sensitive, he is afraid, today is not his day, today he is not in a good mood…”
  • I want you to develop yourself as a “personal trainer” for your own horse through more knowledge and to be able to control its health and success.
  • I explain to you that you don't have to start from scratch in training every time, for example because of injury breaks, by taking an interest in your own horse and learning how it works.
  • I explain to you that actually pasture is almost never the cause of tendonitis and suspensory ligament damage.

Quite simply: MY MISSION is to make the world of horses more understandable, because then nothing happens without a reason. This is the only way we can keep our horses' health firmly under control and thus control their well-being and success.

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